Thursday, April 29, 2010

Get Ready

May 1st is International Sunflower Guerrilla Gardening Day. Since I'm determined to be a CA native gardener, I'm thrilled to say that the Sunflower family (Asteraceae) Helianthus annuus, is native. It is a huge family. Will I be a guerrilla? I'm not telling, but it could be unavoidable. It might be genetic.

The Los Angeles Guerrilla Gardeners have a great website. It reminds me of the Improv Everywhere group, only more stealth. The picture gallery is inspiring.

So what's a guerrilla gardener? Some one who gardens with or without permission on public land.

My parents, Wisconsinites, don't take long walks down the railroad track turned nature trail anymore, but when they were able, they always took a bag of seeds or bulbs or little seedlings to plant along the way. They didn't know they were guerrilla gardeners. They were just having fun. Little by little they beautified the walks they took with Wisconsin natives.

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